Best Dwarf Units Total War Warhammer

The Dawi are the easiest faction to use for a new player, I myself struggled massively using any other faction for the first time. The focal point of Dwarfen effectiveness is their leadership, a single Dwarf Warrior unit can defeat 3 Orc Boyz units by making them flee. Combine this with fully spec’d tankiness for melee units, as well as full glass cannon ranged units and you have a fearsome army. Most TW:Warhammer players will start off with the Dwarf faction, so it’s great to know which units to build or not. This list will help you do just that, as we go through the 10 best units available to the Dawi!

  1. Best Dwarf Units Total War Warhammer 2
  2. Best Dwarf Units Total War Warhammer Miniatures

P.S: Excludes Lords/Heroes

REINFORCE this channel here: Dwarfs! Short but quite dangerous, they are a tough bunch with a flare for the axe. To be named a Hammerer of any hold was to be counted amongst the best of all Dwarf warriors. To be named the Everguard - the High King's personal bodyguard - was to join the most elite of all Dwarf formations. In a ritual that dated back to the first High King, Snorri Whitebeard, the Everguard were gifted with the finest crafted runic hammers from the armoury of Karaz-a-Karak. Total War: Attila New!! Factions Units Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II Factions Units Auxiliary Corps Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II: MODs Radious Total War Mod Divide et Impera Total War: Rome II: ICONs BullGod's Unit.

Best Dwarf Units Total War Warhammer 2

10. Miners (Blasting Charges)

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If you haven’t utilised this unit, you’re in for a big surprise. Miners are insanely cheap which is justified, they suck in melee combat. When they’re equipped with blasting charges however, they’re a whole other kettle of fish. Two throws of their charges will absolutely devastate enemy units, making them flee at the very least. They tend to run out of ammo after that, so don’t waste their charges on trash units like zombies!

9. Thunderers

Best Dwarf Units Total War Warhammer Miniatures

High armor-piercing damage is what Thunderers are all about. A volley of fire from this unit will heavily damage any unit it encounters, they have plenty of ammunition to fire tons of volleys. The downside is they require line-of-sight to get their shots off, requiring good micro management to be most effective. For their price though, Thunderers are an awesome choice for almost any army composition.

8. Rangers

Best Dwarf Units Total War Warhammer

Unfortunately, this unit is only available in the DLC “The King and the Warlord” but I had to include them as they’re awesome. While they do require significant micro-management to get the best out of them, their best is worth it as they have multiple unique abilities. They can camouflage in any terrain, allowing you to spring traps without issue. As well as this, they’re among the fastest Dwarf units which is exactly what some armies are missing…mobility.

7. Gyrocopters

As mentioned in the previous entry, Dwarfs sorely need some mobility to have a chance against a decent enemy army. It’s way too common for enemy artillery to sit in the back of the map untouched, you need something that can get to them. Gyrobombers are perfect for this, as they can fly over the enemy army (dropping bombs along the way) and assault artillery. The enemy commander will surely send some ranged units to deal with your Gyrobombers but you can simply pull away and come back.

6. Irondrakes

My personal favorite, Irondrakes are so epic I wanted to place them first on the list, although 99% of players would disagree. Their AoE fire damage melts large units, literally a few attacks are needed to completely wipe out an entire unit. Their problems come with their vulnerability, as they’re slow and not the greatest against flanks. They also have the tendency to melt your own troops, which can be devastating if you aren’t paying attention to their targets.

5. Organ Gun

Each shot from the Organ Gun contains 4 projectiles, with each one dealing high armor-piercing damage, capable of ripping through enemy units. The reload speed is quite high too, allowing you to fire constantly and lay down as much artillery support as possible. The only disadvantages are its fairly low range and high ammunition cost but if you can work around this, they’ll certainly contribute to your victory!

4. Slayers

The kings of anti-large, Slayers are the unit you need to alleviate the perils of enemy monsters. They have plenty of damage, albeit low defense. However, if used correctly they can turn the tide of a battle easily, as their bonuses allow them to take down large monsters with ease. You don’t want your slayers fighting trash units, not that they won’t win, just you want to get the most out of the gold you spent on this unit. The great thing is they will never retreat and let out a final powerful blow when they finally fall!

3. Hammerers

Very few units can match the Hammerers in melee combat, their strong armor & HP pool is complimented by their high damage. Particularly effective against armored units, this Dawi unit should not be undervalued. They do not have any bonuses against large units or even have shields so you need to pick your fights carefully. If used against the right opponent, no other Dwarf unit will be as effective.

2. Ironbreakers

This unit will happily let hordes of enemies charge at them, the armor & HP of the Ironbreakers is unparalleled. It’ll take a LOT of ranged fire to take down a single unit of Ironbreakers, there’s no point in even trying to engage in melee combat, any charge bonus will be negated. The only drawback is their extremely slow speed but that’s worth it for such a stalwart unit!

1. Flame Cannon

The Flame Cannon is disgusting, each shot hurls a huge mortar across the battlefield, deleting any non-armored unit it encounters. In all fairness, this unit barely deals any damage to armored targets but anything else? They’re gone. When facing a light-infantry heavy team, a Flame Cannon unit or 2 will easily carry the battle if given enough protection. Sieges in particular are where the Flame Cannon shines but there’s rarely an occasion where this unit wouldn’t be amazing for you!

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CategoryAxe Infantry
Unit size75
Cost (MP):475 (450)
Melee attack:22
Melee defence:40
Charge Bonus:12
Damage Resist Magic:25

Weapon Damage:21
Armour-Piercing Damage:7
Melee Interval:4.3 s
  • Charge Defence vs. Large: When bracing, this unit negates the charge bonus of any large attacker.
  • Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

Dwarf Warriors is a Dwarfs melee infantry unit in Total War: Warhammer. With axe in hand, Dwarf warriors lay into the front lines with unremitting violence.

Description[edit | edit source]

Dwarfs make formidable fighters - they are strong and extremely resilient, broad of shoulder and wide of girth. Although by no means quick, they are physically robust and can maintain a steady plodding pace, marching for days on end despite being loaded down by burdens and heavy mail. When they charge into battle, the momentum generated by their wide, armour-clad bodies is remarkable, hitting the foe with a resounding impact. They have broken many enemy battle lines this way, splintering Elven phalanxes, carving through Orc formations and hacking apart the great masses of Skaven that make up their verminous armies. Protected by their heavy mail, their skillful use of overlapping shield walls and, finally, by their own tough and obstinate nature, Dwarf individuals, units and armies as a whole seem able to absorb punishing blows that would cause other races to break and flee. With Dwarfs, such suffering only serves to make them angrier - and with beards bristling and hands clenched around axe hafts and mighty warhammers, the Dwarfs regroup to charge anew. Their feeble-limbed foes, too worn out and tired at the end to even lift their weapons, are slaughtered, save for those fast enough to flee the iron-shod and implacable advance of the Dwarves.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage. Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
  • Charge Defence Against Large Foes: When standing and bracing against a charge of large enemies (such as cavalry or monsters) this unit will negate the enemy's charge bonus.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Dwarf Warriors are exceeding tough for their cost and unless flanked or attacked with units with good AP damage it will take an inordinate amount of time and casualties to rout them. Their melee attack is nothing special, but is enough to cut through lesser units and generally win by outlasting them. They will hold the line against other heavily armor units, but they will not kill as many due to their limited AP damage. Using them instead of Longbeards is a good way to save money if you can make better use of it elsewhere. In the campaigns, Dwarf Lords have a 1st tier red skill that boosts their melee defense and extends their utility. Their charge defense vs. large makes them great at stopping cavalry, but high mass units like monstrous infantry, chariots, and single model monsters can literally send them flying and punch a hole in you line. Most of them will get back up cursing though and mob the attacker if they don't have some help to follow up their penetration. Dwarf missile units, Slayers, and artillery can also be directed at the breach to punish the attacker.

Legendary lordsThorgrim Grudgebearer · Ungrim Ironfist · Grombrindal
LordsDwarf Lord
HeroesMaster Engineer · Runesmith · Thane
Melee infantryMiners · Dwarf Warriors · Dwarf Warriors (Great Weapons) · Longbeards · Longbeards (Great Weapons) · Slayers · Hammerers
Missile infantryThunderers · Irondrakes · Irondrakes (Trollhammer Torpedo)
Combined infantryQuarrellers · Quarrellers (Great Weapons) · Miners (Blasting Charges) · Ironbreakers
Flying war machinesGyrobomber · Gyrocopter · Gyrocopter (Brimstone Gun)
ArtilleryCannon · Flame Cannon · Grudge Thrower · Organ Gun
MountsAnvil of Doom
UnitsBugman's Rangers · Bolt Thrower · Rangers · Rangers (Great Weapons)
Regiments of RenownGob-Lobber · Dragonback Slayers · Ekrund Miners · Norgrimlings Ironbreakers · The Skolder Guard · The Grumbling Guard · Peak Gate Guard · Ulthar's Raiders · Warriors of Dragonfire Pass · Skyhammer
Clan Angrund subfaction only (requires King and the Warlord)
Legendary lordBelegar Ironhammer
Angrund Ancestors heroesKing Lunn Ironhammer · Halkenhaf Stonebeard · Dramar Hammerfist · Throni Ironbrow ·
Changed in the Resurgent Update for Total War: Warhammer II
Made exclusive to Karak Kadrin factionUngrim Ironfist
New unit added for all Dwarf factionsGiant Slayers
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